Shipping policy

Shipping Policy

At Kick's Closet Shop, we are committed to providing a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience for our customers worldwide. Our shipping policy is designed to ensure that you receive your orders promptly and conveniently.

Worldwide Shipping

We are thrilled to offer worldwide shipping to all corners of the globe. Whether you're in New York, Tokyo, London, or anywhere in between, we'll deliver our premium products right to your doorstep.

Free Shipping

To make your shopping experience even better, we provide free shipping on all orders. There are no minimum purchase requirements or hidden fees. Enjoy the freedom of shopping without worrying about additional shipping charges.

Fast and Reliable Delivery

We understand that you're eager to receive your order. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to ensure that your items are shipped out promptly. You can expect your order to arrive within 7 to 12 business days, depending on your location. Please note that these are estimated delivery times, and actual delivery may vary due to factors beyond our control.

Trusted Couriers

We partner with the best courier services to ensure the safe and timely delivery of your orders. Rest assured that your package is in good hands, and we'll provide you with tracking information so you can monitor the progress of your delivery.

Order Tracking

For your convenience, we offer order tracking. Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email. You can use this number to track your package and know exactly when it will arrive.

Customs and Duties

Please be aware that international orders may be subject to customs fees, import duties, and taxes. These charges are the responsibility of the recipient and are not included in the product or shipping cost. We recommend checking with your local customs office for information on potential charges.

Customer Support

If you have any questions or concerns about your order, our dedicated customer support team is here to assist you. Feel free to contact us, and we'll be happy to help.

Thank you for choosing Kick's Closet Shop. We appreciate your trust in us, and we look forward to serving you with top-quality products and outstanding service. Happy shopping!

Customer service

Our customer service team is always here to address your questions and concerns promptly.

Free shipping

Ensure you receive your order within 7 business days. Say goodbye to long waits!

Original Packaging

When your order arrives, it will be meticulously packaged in its original, elegant packaging, just as you see it in our product photos. It's the little details that matter.

Unparalleled Quality

Our shoes are meticulously crafted with the utmost attention to detail. We source only the finest materials to ensure you experience the epitome of luxury with every step you take. When you shop with us, you're investing in the best.